Our society is living with pain, chronic disease and degeneration. Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons for the utilization of medical services, absenteeism from work, disability, and interference with the enjoyment of an active and fulfilling lifestyle. As a young orthopedic surgeon practicing, I had patient after patient comes to me with chronic musculoskeletal pain issues and the pain and disability of sports injuries. Despite all the advances in technology and science, my patient’s treatment options were the same as twenty years ago. The current healthcare model aims only to mask the symptoms.

Until recently, the only treatments available for chronic musculoskeletal pain and degeneration were painkillers, steroid shots, physiotherapy, exercise, and finally surgery (unless there is a clear-cut indication). It can safely be said that all of these treatments can help some of these patients some of the time, usually temporarily, but none of them are uniformly effective, and some of them can actually be harmful. Because of my belief that a doctor should “do no harm,” I was reluctant to prescribe long-term painkillers, steroids which have potential side effects and can be addictive. I was able to help some of my patients get rid of their pain, but for others, the pain would only go away temporarily and would continue to return.

With time, I was tired of hearing the same stories again and again from different patients. They have been usually told by their doctors that-

  • Nothing more can be done.
  • I think you have to live with this for your lifetime.
  • Let’s continue with this (painkillers, steroid shots )for a few more years until you’re a little bit older and then we can do a knee replacement.
  • There is a gap in your spine.
  • As you can’t stop getting older, degeneration will also continue to progress.
    (Sometimes, I was also a part of these sayings to my patients previously till I integrate Prolotherapy into my practice. I feel apologetic for not knowing about this treatment entity earlier, which could have benefited most of my patients since the beginning of my practice. But it’s always good to be late than never.)

I found myself in a Healthcare model where I didn’t feel I was making any lasting change in the health of my patients. I would see them over and over again for medication refills. They feel hopeless, out of control, cornered, and defeated and this would leave both of us frustrated, wishing I could do more. Also, the cost of medications and surgeries was driving healthcare costs up and insurance premiums were escalating as a result. I was getting discouraged. Yet, I did not give up. With all that medical science had to offer, I thought there must be something I could do to help these patients. Then I heard about Prolotherapy, which is very little known in India.

Prolotherapy also knows as regenerative injection therapy(RIT). It is a well-recognized nonsurgical orthopedic procedure that stimulates the body’s natural healing processes and uses no artificial substances, no medications and nothing that can cause adverse side effects. Prolotherapy, with its unique ability to directly address the root cause of the disability, can repair the weakened sites and result in the restoration of proper function by proliferating new tissue. The great advantage of Prolotherapy is that it is Safe and Simple. In other words, Prolotherapy naturally promotes tissue Rejuvenation.

Although my path to learning Prolotherapy was not the most direct, my Persistence and Passion helped me to successfully implement it into my practice. I feel honored that I got the opportunity to learn the state of the art of Prolotherapy directly from the HHPF(Hackett Hemwall Paterson Foundation), affiliated with the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. (Initially known as the Hackett Foundation- Dr.George S Hackett invented and coined the term Prolotherapy.) HHPF is an International premier organization carrying a prolotherapy legacy for over more than 50 years.

I must say, Prolotherapy treatment is the Strongest Weapon I have found against chronic musculoskeletal main and sports injuries. Many patients, treated with Prolotherapy, have been able to avoid surgery and have experienced the resolution of their pain. (Prolotherapy is not about pain management, it is about pain resolution by addressing and treating the root cause of disease.)

Fortunately, these regenerative procedures(like Prolotherapy, Neuroprolotherapy and Biocellular Prolotherapy which uses ortho biologics like PRP, PL and stem cells), have given us hope to actually regenerate the injured tissue. The cells used from your own body have a powerful impact on healing and degeneration through the stimulation of the body’s natural healing response. The body can heal itself. Remember there’s no better surgeon than your own body.

The problem is most people don’t know there are other options to treat their chronic conditions. There is hope that we can reverse your chronic diseases. Now, you don’t have to live hopeless, in pain, tired, helpless or broken down. This is where the Prolotherapy Clinic was born to fill the gap in our broken healthcare system. In addition, We don’t believe in a “fast fix” mentality which usually only addresses symptoms with a “band-aid” approach, leaving the root cause of an illness ignored. At our Center, we focus on the “root”, not the “fruit” causes of disease!

Prolotherapy treatment has shown to be a cost-effective, reliable, trustworthy, and viable alternative benefiting my patients to a great extent with minimum downtown for future surgical procedures. The Prolotherapy clinic is excited to provide an oasis of hope for those who have been frustrated with spending time and money on multiple failed treatments including surgeries.

Come and Experience the art of healing!

Dr. Vikram Rajguru is India’s first Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic and OrthoBiologic Surgeon. He is one of a small bunch of specialists in the nation that is both an Orthopedic Surgeon and a master in the field of Interventional Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. It gives Dr. Vikram Rajguru an expansive subject matter and ability that benefits his patients generally. Through his aptitude, he has assisted numerous patients with returning to a dynamic way of life by giving agony resolution and recapturing lost portability through noncareful just as careful treatment. He accepts to consistently give guidance that is equivalent to that which he would suggest for ourselves or our own family.