Are you worried of Hand Pain?
We often experience pain in our hands, thumb, and finger. But, we need to understand when to contact a doctor for stiffness and pain in these parts. If required, you can get Prolotherapy treatment for your hand, thumb, and finger pain. How Prolotherapy treatment is effective? Prolotherapy can stimulate the mechanism of natural
How Does Prolotherapy Work to Relieve Hip Pain?
The hip is an important part of our body as it helps to support the structures of our body, such as the lower back and the pelvis. If you are experiencing hip pain for a long time, you can take the help of Prolotherapy. It is a treatment that can enable you to
Effective Prolotherapy Treatment for Shoulder Pain
We use our shoulders for most of the things we do on a regular basis. But, owing to its mobility, it can often experience conditions such as shoulder instability, and soft tissue impingement. Because of such conditions, you can have pain. In such cases, you can opt for Prolotherapy and it can be
Reason Behind Your Shoulder Blade Pain
The shoulder blades are the triangular bones on the back of the shoulders that are referred to as the scapulae in medical terminology. It contains three muscles linked to it, one on each side of the shoulder blade, which joins the upper arm bone to the collarbone. These muscles aid in the movement
How Prolotherapy Helps in Musculoskeletal Pain?
Are you going through long-standing musculoskeletal pain? Well, the key to treating your chronic joint pain is right in our hands. Lots of research and studies reflect that Prolotherapy has been a blessing for people experiencing joint pain. What is Prolotherapy? Prolotherapy is a non-surgical way of treating musculoskeletal conditions. It is also
Are You Suffering from Tension Headache?
Tension headache is one of the commonest issues complained about by five out of ten people. Taking medication can give you temporary relief but what if your headache keeps on appearing every single day? Would appreciate taking medicine regularly? Obviously no, right? That's why we are right at your fingertips to feed you
7 Causes of Wrist Pain
Wrist discomfort is on the rise due to the popularity of cell phones and computer-based jobs. Small bones make up our wrist, coated in a thin layer of protecting tissue. Considering the prevalence of wrist pain complaints, it's not surprising. Because wrist discomfort should not be neglected, you need to keep this in
Trigeminal Neuralgia – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Trigeminal neuralgia is an uncommon and severe form of facial pain. It most commonly affects middle-aged people. Fortunately, experts have found treatments for it. Here are the causes, symptoms and treatments of trigeminal neuralgia to learn more about it. Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia Stress Chronic stress may lead to stress-related diseases like hypertension,
Joint pain during Pregnancy: What you need to know
Sacroiliac joint pain or sciatica is one of the most common pains experienced by pregnant women, especially during the later stages. During pregnancy, the ligaments in your body tend to relax, and due to this, you are prone to back pain. Read on to know what sciatica is and what steps you can