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Bursitis Foot

Suffering from inflammation and pain in the foot is known as bursae or bursitis foot. Fluid-filled sacs develop like a cushion near the joints in between the muscle and tendon. These sacs mainly grow at the ball of the foot, mainly neat to the metatarsophalangeal joints.

Prime Causes of Bursitis Foot

People suffering from Bursitis Foot hardly know the exact cause of inflammation. This situation mainly occurs due to the consequence of direct compression or constant motion. This situation can get worsened due to gout, arthritis, etc. People can also suffer from foot deformity due to Bursitis.

Bursitis Foot can also occur due to other causes like wearing tight shoes, high-heels for a long time, etc. Bursitis also develops due to excess running and inadequate warm-up before exercise.

Probable symptoms

Individuals can face several symptoms while they suffer from Bursitis Foot.

  • You may feel swelling and pain behind the feet.
  • People can face tenderness and increased pain.
  • Whenever you touch your feet, you will feel them warm.
  • The skin color around the heel will get changed.
  • You will feel pain while walking.

Diagnosis of Bursitis Foot

You need to consider several factors to diagnose whether you are suffering from Bursitis foot or not.

  • If you stand for a long time and your feet get swallowed, you need to consult with specialists.
  • Bursitis depends on the type of shoes you wear. If you notice any tenderness or swelling, you need to change your shoes.
  • Here you also need to check the range of motion of your feet.

How do you get relief?

Individuals who are suffering from Bursitis always ask about the best ways to heal the pain. Here, you can consult with Dr. Vikram Rajguru to get the best suggestion. Doctors normally ask for rest and ice treatment to get relief.


Dr. Vikram Rajguru is one of India’s first Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic and OrthoBiologic surgeons. He is one of a handful of surgeons in the nation that is both an Orthopedic Surgeon in Pune and an expert in the field of Interventional Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.

The Prolotherapy Clinic(PTC®) was founded by Dr.Rajguru as a response to the shortcomings so evident in “traditional medicine,” which largely places a premium on high patient turnover while neglecting long-term health care. PTC® is India’s first center dedicated to practicing regenerative procedures like Prolotherapy in an Orthopedic clinical setting.

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